Old Gujarat Sultan Coins for Sale

Gujarat became loyal to the Delhi Sultanate in 1403AD during the reign of Mahmud, grandson of Firoz Tughlaq. Zafar Khan, who was appointed governor of the province in 1391 AD, had no intention of parting with the mother stock. But his son Tatar Khan grew impatient. He imprisoned his father and assumed the throne under Muhammad I in 1403AD. But he could only rule for two months. During this short period, he is said to have issued coins; but so far no one has been found. After his death, Zafar Khan regained the governorship and in 1407Ad he declared his independence and assumed the name of Muzaffar I. No numismatic evidence of kingship is found in this case. The earliest coins are of his grandson and successor Ahmad I (1411-1443AD), who founded the great city of Ahmedabad and Ahmednagar. Gujarat remained independent for a century and a quarter; And thirteen rulers ruled during this period. The last ruler Muzaffar III was deposed by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1572AD and the province was annexed to his empire. Muzaffar III, however, regained his throne eleven years later, only to lose it again within five months. After a few years of futile attempts to repel the Mughals, he was betrayed and ended his miserable existence by committing suicide.

The coins of Gujarat are mainly silver and copper, gold coins were issued by some rulers, but they are very rare. Although some billion coins are attributed to this kingdom, it is highly doubtful whether such coins were ever issued. Coins were minted at Ahmedabad, Ahmednagar (Idar), Mustafaabad (Kirnar), Muhammadabad (Shambanir) and Kanpur. Most of the coins were probably struck at Ahmedabad, but the name is actually found only on copper coins of Muzaffar III of the years 977 and 978AH. Otherwise it is known as Shahr-e-Mugaram in most of the coins.

Although some characteristics of the coinage of the Delhi Sultans are visible, Gujarat coins have a characteristic fabric of their own from the beginning. All coins usually have the Sultan's name in a square, with the mint's name in the margin on one side. The reverse bears the title and date. The titles are not very rhetorical. Usually al-Sultan al-Azam is found with the conjunction name. Their religious allegiance is shown by titles such as Abu-al-Muhammad, Abu-Muzaffar, Caliph Ameer-ul-Momnin, Abul-Fath, Al-Muayed bi Tayid al-Rahman, Abul-Nasr, Abul-Fazl, Alwasiq Ballah al- The king, al-Mudasim be-Abba al-Rahman. The inscription is very simple. However, long after the reign of the Guptas, we find the use of poetry again on the coins of Muhammad Shah II. They bore the Persian pair:

Sikka-i-Sultan Ghiyasddin Muhammad Shah bad,
Ta ba-dar-uz-zarb gardun qurs-i-mihr-o-mah.

Perhaps the most interesting coins are the so-called "lineage coins," in which the issuer traces his lineage back to the founder of the dynasty. Such coins are known of Ahmad I, Mahmud I and Bahadur Shah. Such coins may have been struck only on special occasions.
Also noteworthy are the coins of Ahmad III (661-668AH/1553-1566AD). He was not a direct descendant of the previous sultans, but was placed on the throne with the consent of the nobles at court after the assassination of Mahmud III. Although historians believe he was a distant relative of Mahmud III, his coins cleverly declare him to be Ibn Umma Mahmud Shah (son of Mahmud Shah's Umma), a fact not realized by modern historians.

The measurement of Gujarati coins is somewhat complicated. The gold coins of Mahmud III and Muzaffar II weighed 185 grains. The coins of the earlier rulers weighed between 176 and 180 grains. A similar coincidence is observed in silver coins. They weigh from 165 to 176 grains. Half coins weigh 88 grains and quarters weigh 44 grains. Coins of 66 and 33 grains are those of Muzaffar II. For copper coins Ahmad I mainly used a standard of 148 grains, which remained constant in subsequent periods. Muhammad II issued coins of 224 grains. Muhammad I introduced coins of 185 grains with its halves and quarters, and these were mostly adopted by his successors along with coins of 148 grains. A few coins have also been found that do not conform to any of the above weight standards.

Gujarat Sultanate Rulers List

Muzaffar Shah I (1391–1403)
Muhammad Shah I (1403–1404)
Muzaffar Shah I (1404–1411)
(2nd reign)
Ahmad Shah I (1411–1442)
Muhammad Shah II (1442–1451)
Ahmad Shah II (1451–1458)
Daud Shah (1458)
Mahmud Begada (1458–1511)
Muzaffar Shah II (1511–1526)
Sikandar Shah (1526)
Mahmud Shah II (1526)
Bahadur Shah (1526–1535)
Mughal Empire under Humayun (1535–1536)
Bahadur Shah (1536–1537)
(2nd reign)
Miran Muhammad Shah I
(Farooqi dynasty) (1537)
Mahmud Shah III (1537–1554)
Ahmad Shah III (1554–1561)
Muzaffar Shah III (1561–1573)
Mughal Empire under Akbar (1573–1584)
Muzaffar Shah III (1584)

Gujarat Sultan Coins

Gujarat Sultan coin
Gujarat Sultan Coin

Metal: Copper

Price 450 + Shipping 70

Contact WhatApp: 9150640650

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