Old Raja Raja Chola Coin Price Information and Value

Madurantaka AD 969 - 70 and was known as Uttama Chola.  To this monarch must be assigned one of the two varieties of coins, the gold madai bearing the legend 'Uttama Chozha' in Grantha characters and having a seated tiger with a fish in front of it, the tiger being the dynastic emblem of the Chozha and the fish that of the Pandyas. It was not unnatural that the King who assumed the name 'Madurantaka' conqueror of the Pandyan capital Madura,' should 'adopt on his coins also the Pandyan emblem of the fish in token of his sovereignty over the Pandyan country. Chozha inscriptions constantly refer to the Madurantaka Madai as a coin with reference to which the fineness and weight of other coins in gold had to be tested.  The madai was probably equal to a Kalanju while the panam was equal to a Manjadi.  The Rajarajan kasu mentioned in Chozha inscriptions of Tanjore seems to have varied from ¾ to 15/16 of a Kalanju.  The Kalanju is also said to be equal to a Krishnakanhi. Ths masha of Ceylon is said to be of the same weight as the madai of Madurantaka.  There was also a silver currency.  Indeed the coins with the legends, Rajendra, Uttama , Gangai-konda and Kulottunga Chozha to be presently referred to are all silver kasus. ‘Pon’ and ‘Kasu’ are likewise used for gold coins in the period. The other coin of Uttama Chozha has the Chera emblem the bow, in addition to the fish and the tiger and has the legend in Devanagari characters and this con has to be attributed to a later reign, that of Rajendra I whose cons bearing the same emblems have the legend in Nagari, ‘Sri Rajendra’. 

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Middle level Chozha coins were one of the oldest coin in Tamil Nadu. King Raja Raja Chola was the greatest warrior in all the fields. Like that he has induced his wealth in coins also.  We can see coins in gold silver copper and lead metals during his period.  Lead coins are very rare.  We can see different kinds of coins during the Chozhan period. Letters were written in the coin from the period of First Raja Rajan to Third Kulothungan.  From this letters we can decide which king has issued the coin.

Old Chozha coins were spread to all the small kingdoms is south India.  These coins have some modifications in there patterns. We can see large number of Chozha coins today.  Raja Rajan has thought his coins have to reach North India so he minted his coins in Nahari letters. Numismatics have guessed that the images in the coins were God or King.

Old Raja Raja Chola Dynasty coins

Among the medieval Chozha Period coins found so far, the coins belonging to Rajaraja I must be the oldest. During his reign, Rajarajan I introduced many innovations in many fields and introduced some innovations in bringing coins to the case. It was during his time that coins were issued in metals like gold, silver, copper and lead. Lead coins are rare. Various types of coins issued by the Cholan kings have been found in Tamil Nadu, with inscribed coins dating from the first Rajaraja period to the third Kulothungan period. Coins with inscriptions found can be used to determine which king issued them.

The Chozha Empire was formed by the conquests of Rajaraja I. Also the Chozha coinage spread throughout the empire and also in the petty kingdoms that ruled under the emperor. They also spread to the neighboring countries of the Chozha nadu. However, Chozha coins existed in many parts of the Chozha country with some minor modifications. The copper coins of Rajarajan are the only coins still available in abundance throughout Tamil Nadu. No other king's images are available in Tamilnadu. The Nagari script of coin, published by Raja rajan, was used in the northern states during the same period. Therefore, it can be inferred that Raja Raja issued more copper coins engraved with Nagari script of copper Kasu thinking that his coins should be brought into circulation in North India as well.

Researchers have examined the human figure at Coins from various angles as Eelam Man, the image of the king, and the image of God. Only after Rajarajan issued this type of coins in Tamil Nadu, later kings in Sri Lanka issued them. So Rajarajan was the first to publish this figure. Nor is it likely to be an image of the king. Only God can be. Because the standing figure has a lamp next to it. Hence it is assumed that the figure in the castle is a god. In the villages of Tamil Nadu, this coin is said to be a ghost coin. They said so because the images on these coins were lined and unclear, the letters were illegible, and they were black and green in colour.

Many copper and lead coins of Raja Raja have been found. These coins wear out over time. Only a few coins have figures. Lead coins are very, very rare.

We can see a posture of man standing on side of the coin on the other side a man on the sitting pose.

Chola Coin Price

According to the size, shape and condition the Chozha cons rate vary.

Average price of the Big and good condition coins Price are Rs. 200 to 300
Average price of the Medium and condition coins are Rs. 75 to 150
Average price of the small and condition coins are 40 to 60
Average price of the scared coins are Rs. 30 to 50

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Ceylon Chola Gold Coin

Gold Coin Standing Man
Chola Gold Coin sitting Man

Weight: 4.2gm

Ceylon Chola Langaveera

Reverse : Standing Man Lamp and five dots

Chozha Copper coin Standing Man Lamp and five dots

Obverse : Sitting man Raja Raja in Nakari letters

Raja Raja Sitting man Raja Raja in Nakari letters

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